Keri & Dan


During the dot com movement of the nineties, Dan worked as a computer and networking technician and by the turn of the century he was the manager of an information technology department at a large insurance company. Seeking to refocus his career on improving the well-being of others, he returned to academia and completed his Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at UCLA. Incorporating his technology experience with this degree, he went on do cognitive psychology research at UCLA. Striving to put these new skills to work in a community context, he continued his education and earned his Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology with a specialization in Applied Community Psychology from Antioch University in Los Angeles. Dan currently utilizes his technology skills, psychology education, and organizational leadership experience as the Director of Special Projects at The Relational Center. 


Keri packs a mean punch of experience in the field of Clinical Psychotherapy, Autism Research, Relational-Gestalt theory, educational therapy and faith-based development. Her experiences have consistently reminded her how vital it is to remain empathetically attuned and transparent while remaining curious about contextual influence.